DMZ 16

Why I often tell myself to shut up

Issue 16 of DMZ reminds me that I have blabbed my way to embarrassing situations so many times its, well, embarrassing.

Put it another way, did you ever notice that the people at work whom you consider the most competent are the ones who don't talk too much?

It's not so much because they're competent - it's just that they haven't proven themselves otherwise by talking too much.

This is what Matty does in issue 16. He talks too much and puts lives in danger.

Can't entirely blame him though; he's been under incredible pressure and just had to talk to someone. I have an old formula for that though - I just talk aloud to myself. Too late for Matty; he's moved into panic mode and goes to save his friends. On to the 17th issue and the conclusion of the Public Works storyline.

Posted by  Pete Albano - January 6, 2012

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DMZ Vol. 3: Public Works

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Other DMZ Stories

13 : Going undercover

14 : Getting tortured

15 : Being made to do a terrorist act

16 : The virtue of shutting up

17 : As good an ending as Matty can give

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