Amazing Spider-Man 652-654

The Amazing New Scorpion!

First of all, I want to call attention to the covers of 653 and 654 - the last two issues you see up there. 653, with the New Avengers, should be blown up to become a poster. Each member of the  New Avengers wonderfuly rendered and perfectly placed. If they could have added the Thing (my favorite New Avenger) it would be perfect. Even better is the 654 cover because of the Scorpion.

Actually, the Scorpion has stolen this story arc in my opinion. I absolutely love the new costume. Beautiful design and looking seriously powerful. And it is. Check out the Scorpion shrugging off being dropped from the sky in 563. This guy is in a whole new power-level. But mainly, its the eye-candy quality of the costume that's center stage for me.

The art team led by Stefano Caselli presents a clean flowing style that wins me over throughout.  The depictions of the space shuttle Vertex and the Horizon Orbital are particularly good.

It's also wonderful to read the dialogue between J. Jonah and Spidey, both in the main story and in the 652 backup tale, they're still not members of each other's fanclub, but I think they're both slowly warming up to each other - it's great to see that this dynamic, a mainstay of all the Spider-Man books,  is growing and changing.

With the New Avengers involved, there are no less than three battlefields in this arc and that makes for a lot of wonderful action throughout the arc. Don't miss the backup tales; they are also very good with the 654 backup presenting Flash Thompson as the new Venom being exceptional. I'm not a Venom fan but this new take on the symbiote gets my attention.

Posted by  Pete Albano - May 1, 2011

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Amazing Spider-Man comic books

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652-654 : The Scorpion

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