Okay, they're talking about No Man's Land, calling it NML, I thought it was a place, then now it looks like an event. This must be part of the Batman mythos but I'm all out of Batman lore.
Stefano Gaudiano is the artist. Reason I mention it is because I have to give credit where credit is due. Montoya has a complicated history with her father. Gaudiano captures it perfectly in a look; issue 28 page 15 last panel.
The hospital scene in issue 29 is the most intense it has gotten so far in the series - the Joker getting a beating becomes a distant second.
If this series changes even just one homophobe, that's forty issues well spent.
Okay, right after my compliment, let it be on record that Gaudiano just illustrated the worst MCU office so far. Sloppy line work, perspective out the window. Must have been deadline time.
Check out the Batman jump, issue 29 page 16 first panel.
Girl to girl action the whole page 17 in issue 29. Do not miss.
I like that Barry Allen's name was mentioned in Keystone city in issue 29 but it was a tad forced into the dialogue.
If ever I need an example of a gorgeous illustration of a blond I must remember Dr. Zolomon in the first panel of page 21 issue 29.
The meeting with Doctor Alchemy was stolen from 'Silence of the Lambs'. bwahahaha.
Keystone City 'feels' different from Gotham. I don't know exactly how the creative team pulled it off. All the more impressive for being undetectable.
The way the Batman's visit in the hospital was done in issue 30 was done just right. Very subtle but high impact. Speaks volumes about the Bat and the kind of hero he is.
All throughout Doctor Alchemy (a.k.a. poor man's Hannibal Lechter) has a mouth that's actually insultingly hilarious at times. Hannibal was never that funny.
Montoya walk's away from a complement from a beat cop; I don't get that.
This is a strong story arc mainly because of what was happening to Officer Kelly. Very heavy and a heartbreak ending.
Posted by Pete Albano - October 2010
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