Before we conclude the Public Works storyline let me just say that Brian Wood is now gold to me. I read his excellent Supermarket series and now the Public Works story arc in DMZ and Mr. Wood has shown a consistent ability to create stories that pull me in and never let go. This is a writer I can count on. If I see his name in a comic, it's automatically going to mean a good read to me.
Our erstwhile hero Matty Roth has gotten tangled up in a web composed of the Trustwell corporation, U.S. government rebels, his media outfit, some friends of his, the U.N., the U.S. government - and the whole thing is one big mess. Like all such complications, the situation takes a life of its own, and, avalanche-like, begins moving in a particular direction. Matty is shown at choice with regards to how things move forward from here. And this position of having to decide is a messy, unsure, confusing place. Just what if feels like in real life. But what am I talking about? DMZ is real life. That's how Brian Wood writes it, and that's how if feels. Right down to the ending. Which is a true, real life ending. Full of compromises, some regrets and a few victories.
Posted by Pete Albano - January 6, 2012
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DMZ Vol. 3: Public Works
DMZ comic books
Other DMZ Stories
15 : Being made to do a terrorist act
16 : The virtue of shutting up
17 : As good an ending as Matty can give