The title refers to the patriarch of the empire-ruling Chimera clan. We'll get back to him later. Right now let's talk about art.
Crossgen art.
I'll say it again : No company has ever come down the pike with more great art than the late, lamented Crossgen. I've got three samples here but, let me tell you, the pages of Chimera are full of great art.
This girl is Sara. She's the protagonist of our tale - this being Crossgen, that also means she has the Sigil, that ying-yang symbolic tattoo identifying her as a major power wielder in the Crossgen Universe. She's got her back to us because she's trying to enter an alien spacecraft with the weird maze markings on the door.
Next panel is the spacecraft Sara was trying to enter taking off from a field. Just look at this double page spread!
This last is a unique double page layout. It shows the entire interior of a mining colony but at the same time the one huge panel is vertically divided showing two people in different stages of a conversation as they traverse the bridge way. Creative and brilliant.
Now let's get back to that 923-year-old guy. His name is Emperor Herus and his family rules 219 worlds. This guy is the classic thug king and his only concern now is he doesn't want to die, and he needs Sara to help him achieve that.
The four issues that comprise Chimera end a story arc but not the series - so the ending is slightly open-ended. But no cliffhangers. I suspect that this book was overtaken by the closure of Crossgen; still, the four issues that we have are truly something to see.
Posted by Pete Albano - January 4, 2012