Posted - July 25, 2014 | Updated : August 27, 2015
Superior Spider-Man 6
Joking Hazard
The story in Superior Spider-Man #6 reminds me of three balls on a billiard table
being launched simultaneously and hitting an 8-ball in the middle of the table at the same time; with
the said eight-ball going neatly into a pocket. It's a very focused issue. Let's get to it . . .
First ball: Screwball and Jester.
This is what they're about
Screwball and Jester are also identity thieves. They attract traffic to their website by humiliating
celebrities. While viewers are online they steal their passwords, credit card numbers and other
information. Their latest celebrity target? J. Jonah Jameson.
Love the crowd reaction.
Otto Octavius is also a big fan.
Second ball: Otto Octavius.
This is a flashback panel.
In Superior Spider-Man 3, it was shown
that Otto had an abusive father. Here it shows that Otto was bullied. It's important
to note Otto's reaction: Anger.
I'll have more to say about this later but first . . .
Third ball: Anna Maria Marconi.
See what those two bastards did? Did you note how well Ana Maria handled it? Look
at her face. Absolutely calm - contrast that with Otto's tearful face when he was
bullied. Make no mistake, what happened to Anna Maria was very painful; if it was me
I would certainly be crushed - I'm more of an Otto than an Anna in front of public humiliation,
sad to say. In another panel, Anna Maria explains herself.
That's strength. That is wisdom and strength that guy's like me barely understand.
I know where she's coming from, I want to go there myself, be that strong, but two
guys make fun of me just because they're a-holes. I'll walk away, coward that I am,
but inside I'll be hurt and simmering and like Otto, I'll be wanting revenge. Anna
Maria Marconi shows another way - a better way.
Okay, now we have all three balls rolling across our imaginary billiard table. Here's how
they meet up with the 8-ball.
It comes as no surprise that J. Jonah Jameson took getting pied and his trousers
being dropped in front of a press conference very badly - who wouldn't? Jameson
leverages his new found "friendship" with Spider-Man, sending out Otto to "get"
Screwball and Jester.
Otto isn't doing this out of obedience. Remember the bullying flashback? Otto has
something deep and personal against people who subject other people to public
humiliation. Make no mistake, its a very dangerous Spider-Man swinging away from
J. Jonah Jameson here.
The "meeting" between Spider-Man, Screwball, and Jester has a lot of people
laughing at the Spider. Actually if it was Peter, it wouldn't be such a problem.
This is Otto. Otto simply cannot handle public humiliation.
Remember the young Otto with his broken glasses? All that anger just explodes.
With bloody results.
And thus the issue really makes me think. After all is said and done, the shining
example here is Anna Maria Marconi. that's how to handle it. Granted that Screwball and Jester
are criminals - that is not known about them - they still didn't do any real physical
harm. Not to say that humiliation isn't painful but I don't think it warrants nearly
getting beaten to death. I'm talking as a hypocrite here because in all honesty I would
behave the same way as Otto. With great regret, yes, but, that would be my reaction -
I have the same simmering anger. I wish I didn't but I do. It doesn't stop me from
recognizing the ideal reaction - the person I want to be vs. the person that I am.
This issue was beautifully illustrated by Humberto Ramos but Dan Slott's script really
hit the ball out of the park this time out. Excellent.
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