A dragon shows up in the sky's over Japan and in a very Japanese turn, the kids consult their Monster Book.
Surprisingly, the X-Men start appearing under the shadow of the dragon and begin falling down unto Japan.
This is right after their trip to the Secret Wars Battleworld - so between last issue and this issue that would be twelve Secret Wars issues.
This discussion shows just how powerful Rogue is (and, yes, that would also mean that Ms. Marvel is that powerful).
Wolverine's thoughts point to the current leadership dynamics.
I think the solution for this is for Xavier to stay in the sidelines and let Storm lead the X-Men.
It's interesting that in Marvel's Japan, monster attacks are not unheard of.
The dragon starts doing a 'Godzilla' in Tokyo. Here's Colossus taking care of falling debris.
Nightcrawler gets people out of harm's way.
Professor X's probe of the Dragon's mind reveals something interesting.
Unsurprisingly, we have the entrance of New X-Men founding member, Sunfire.
Japanese defense forces start attacking the dragon.
Uh oh.
From the Doom Patrol to the X-Men why do mentors have to be in wheelchairs? Anyway, Xavier panicked to see his legs crushed again. It was exaggerated, but you know what? Considering that this happened to him before Charles only shows he's human by panicking. He's hard on himself though.
Amidst the rubble, Wolverine makes one heck of a promise.
It is Lockheed who successfully stops the big dragon.
The dragon just suddenly disappears. As to why, it is not explained. The dragon's actions are explained though - it was trying to build a nest.