You might be wondering why Secret Six and Infinite Crisis are presented on the same page. Secret Six actually had
it's start within the pages of the greater Infinite Crisis storyline under the name of Villains United. Infinite
Crisis had several prequels before the so-called 'main event'. These prequels were multi-issue story arcs and the first of them
that got my attention was Villains United. It seems to have gotten a lot of other people's attention too, since we now have
the Secret Six spinoff series. I was initially underwhelmed by Infinite Crisis itself since I found it a bit
confusing but subsequent reads have converted me. If your wallet will allow I heartily recommend the Infinite Crisis Omnibus
shown above. In just one huge tome you have all the prequels and the Infinite Crisis story itself. The stories are solid.
You'll get a Batman adventure in the O.M.A.C. storyarc, then a Teen Titans tale in The Return of Donna Troy, a
space adventure with a classic flavor in the The Rann-Thanagar War, and my absolute favorite next to Villains
United, Day of Vengeance will take you on an unforgettable visit to DC's magical universe.